Client centred therapy service

Our Services

See all of the services we offer

man getting assessment

Functional Capacity Assessment (FCA)

Comprehensive evaluation of daily living abilities and functional capacity to support independence and well-being.

therapist giving mental health support

Mental Health Support

Dedicated mental health services offering evaluations and tailored support to improve psychological well-being

therapy with children

Therapy for Children

Specialized therapy services for children, supporting their development and growth  through targeted interventions.

telehealth therapy services

Telehealth Occupational Therapy

Remote occupational therapy services providing convenient and expert care to address functional impairments from home

Assistive Technology Assessments (AT)

Professional evaluations to recommend the most suitable technologies that enhance daily living and independence.

SIL/SDA Assessments

Our occupational therapists can provide comprehensive assessments to assist with determining SDA eligibility for people with high support needs.

Allied Health Assistant (AHA)

Supportive services from trained health assistants to implement therapeutic strategies and enhance environmental accessibility

Minor Home Modifications

Supportive services from trained health assistants to implement therapeutic strategies and enhance environmental accessibility

Life Skills

Our OTs and Allied Health Assistants work collaboratively to support you to build capacity and life skills in the areas of life.

Get in Touch


(08) 1234 5678



1269B North East Road, Ridgehaven, South Australia, 5097


Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

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