Client centred therapy service

Assistive Technology Assessments (AT)

Assistive technology assessments involve identifying, trialing, and prescribing tools and equipment that enhance a client’s ability to perform everyday activities.

group therapy

What We Offer

Assistive technology assessments involve identifying, trialing, and prescribing tools and equipment that enhance a client’s ability to perform everyday activities.


The assessment ensures the selected technology is appropriate for the client’s needs, goals, and environment.


 Assistive technology—ranging from mobility aids to communication devices—can significantly improve independence, safety, and overall quality of life.

Individualized Care Plans

Tailored therapy programs for each child’s unique needs

Personal Development

Supporting physical, mental and social growth for individuals

Trusted Local Therapists

A team built on knowledge and experience within therapy services


Assistive technology—ranging from mobility aids to communication devices—can significantly improve independence, safety, and overall quality of life.

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